Thursday, January 15, 2009

299th Post :DD

Mhmm; 299th post :]
F-I-N-A-L-L-Y ^^
okay; anyway, today was tiring,
yesterday was w-o-r-s-e D:

Urghh, i'm starting to hate my schedule in school - damn :/
ystd, I was rushing rushing rushing and RUSHING :S
errhh, after sch i stayed back for amaths till 3.30pm,
BUT ms ho extended our time till 3.45pm,
BUT BUT, she arranged extra lessons, so the lesson's from 3.45-5++pm,

heng, the teacher was nice, mdm leong =]
then i've tuition at like 6.45pm :@
i stayed in sch till like 6pm to explain to anusia smth,
then dad came and pick me up and went for tuition
without lunch and dinner -.- ._.
was like super hungry :/

chemistry & eng tuition  -.-
some-more there like damn cold ><
was freezing ):
was running slight fever; about 38.1 deg. 
till 9pm plus =/ about 9.30pm, then came back realised i got sososo many things havent do.

havent had dinner, bath-ed, do hw, studied for ss test =/
hmpf, rushed through bath and dinner,
took panadol flu relieve; :)
and then did hw, after finishing all, about 11.30pm ald,
then theeen DDD: found out that there's still about a couple of amaths qns to complete :/
i was like OMG =(

today:// woke up at like 5.30am :/
4.5hours of sleep :@@@
Arrrgghhh~~ FOUR AND A HALF hours only D:

Today SS test, SBQ =/
and alot alot others,
but didn't really concentrate,
recess took panadol again, 3-4hrs ald marhh,
headache starting again :(

before amaths i took about 1 and 3/4 of water :]
apple juice and ehh, green tea ^^
didn't felt like eating anything,
anw there's also no time =/
like only 10-15mins to queue and eat.
that time seriously gastric ache like hell ]]]=

thennn ms ho explaaaiinnn so much ==''
dont really understand :O
haah, then after amaths was fun ^^

Then rushed home, tuition later ><
OMG, np tmr -.- FULL-U DD:
urghh, PYA on sat :/
yikeeees, but after that gng with komi for dinner,

hah, realised that i blogged longlonglong today :D


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