Friday, January 16, 2009

300th Post~~ Woots :D

300th post :DD OMG OMG~~
although i'm like super duper tired lorh -.-
cos of P.E today NP today;
plus catching :P
okaay, today played squad catching before NP,
ROFL -.- we hid and ran till 3rd/4th floor to hide -.-
Haha, then once alan came in, cq,jy,komi,bzw grabbed his leg ><
scared him sia..ahah ;)

okaay, P.E was okay,
played floorball with another class,
idk sec 4 or 5 o.O
and then waas like super tired ayeee'
1.6km lurhhs, somemore so long never train ald :O
haha, erhh, too tired to post long today.

PYA tmr.
3.45-7pm =]
-sigh- D:

wish i can stop the time;
i seriously dont want sunday to come;
damn :(
have tuition for nearly the whole daaaaay ]]]=
then 7plus gng to grandparents house for early reunion dinner,
cos on the eve itself eating at home with the-other-grandparents :O
Haha, sounds confusing ayee?

Anyway; am gng off to watch ghost whisperer =]
it is nice okaaay ><
haha, erhh, can't wait for forensic heroes 2 to screen on tv man =X
nothing much today,
just that the 2-2.5hours of drills session :(
still not adapting to it, urghhh
my sucky performance during np today -.-

was sosososo nervous as the squad I/C okay ><
Urghh, and i'll forget most stuffs when i'm nervous :@

anyway, ending ald laa.
finally reach 300th post, will be looking forward to 400th post =DD

am down with slight flu/cough D:
omg, =/
see, this is because of too much work and not enough sleep,
that shows SLEEP is VERY important okay ==
staying up to watch tv tonight =P
till 1am :X
anyway, tmr can sleep in ^^
urghh, NIGHTS ALL :]

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