Saturday, January 17, 2009

:/ Throw face ._.

Anyway, today go to frontier for some CSSP thing or something laa -.-
was partially sick today aye ><
down with flu,sorethroat,cough slightly laa, in the morning =/
and took 2 panadol before i went to frontier,
felt super much better lurhhs,
there shows, panadol REALLY works :D

mhmm, just went over to NP multiply blog =O
saw the HK pics up alr D: got manymany of my un-glam pics there ]]=
Haha, throw face xD
and then today when sir's phone sms came in, i thought was mine -.-
and that time was during fall-in today D:
throw face again -.- i started touching my pockets,
then sir said, it's mine hahaha, super embarrassing. 

next; when sir told me i was the new assistant. I/C
i was like a bit stunned then he asked, "why when i say then your face change to *inserts face*?"
idk how to answer him ><

anyway, nothing much today,
took the pink flu pill and now am super tired =/


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