Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Post :D

Plenty of time to blogg today xD
Mhmm; idk what to blog about okaaaay -.-

yikeees, first two periods entirely ruin-ed my dayyy :OO
must t-o-l-e-r-a-t-e :D
see, i've patience okaaay =D

Anyway; SS & physics is boringgg D:
i was half asleep during those lesson =/
it's like monotone voice plus dry lessons :@
sure fall asleep, i'm humaaan leh

today first period, mr chian, physics =O
laaaabb lesson (: it's kindaaa boring,
ohh a piece of news here,
i'm offically sitting with X.
Ehhh, *lets out deep double-sigh*
anyway, must learn to accept, since already confirmed the seating arrangement al.

mr aziz :D ohh well, he got a sore-throat ._.
and then i was like, woa, got sorethroat still come teach =]
这是叫伟大的牺牲 hahaha
Anyway, 4 periods of BIOLOGY tmr DD:
can someone just save me? -.-
FOUR FOUR FOUR FOUR periods ]]]]=
Ms wang's going like bullet train;
and..urghhh =/ there's SPA tmr :/
it's gonna be tough ass =@

&& SS, was the worse period of the day,
idk why, i suddenly felt like uber uber tired,
i was dozing off okaaay ><
theeenn was maths and eng then MT :]

mhmm, tmr staying baaaack for amaths :/
OMG, -.- extra lessons till like 5.10pm tmr :O
:[ urrrghhhh =(

Ahaaa, recently i've this phobia of stalkers -.-
Urghh =/ these few days when walking back keep on turning behind,
to check if anyone's there -.-
ohh well, couple of days baaack,
there's this stalker :S which like practically followed me all the way back,
damn, scared the hell out of me -.- he's wearing green uniform,
a little like the army kind, but not from army, idk what's that tho.
the top is light green and bottoms are army dark green, with boots.

Anywaaaay, sec3 is indeed hectic D:
OMG, i'm like practically tired everyday i reach home;

I believe in fate;
I believe in telepathy.
I believe in fairy-tales;
I believe in happy-endings

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