Monday, January 12, 2009


It is 7pm++ DD:
Urghh~~ assass :(
i've tons of hw to complete =='
hah, today supposed to stay back for amath de,
but then urghh, ms ho went for 'O' levels thing in the hall.
so we were asked to wait till 3.45pm,
before the extra lessons for amaths starts again o.O
so waited, then went to classroom, it's locked :@
went jp with jingying,
walk-ed till legs nearly came out D:

Mhmm, today saw some of the seniors taking back their 'O' levels results;
then some of them had tears of joy,
ohh well, while others....
anyway, komi's brother got 5-6point. OMGOMGOMG~~
O.O haha, i forgot how much, but somewhere in between [[[=
SUPER pro can ><

Ohh, and also;
see, i still managed to find out your birthday okaaay ^^
my luck i guess,
i dont really know you well laaa =)
but anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY :]

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