Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm tireed of it alr ):

Englishhh, was alright except for the first thing that ruined the whole thing ._.
Sighh~ heaps and tons of paper coming up :/
must study hard alr, cannot slack, mother tongue paper tmr =/
2 hours straight tuition later D:

haha, 4+pm alr, so faaaast X:

Sighh~ disappointment, yes i'm one.
i rather be one of the worst students;
rather than one of the better off ones.
not having my file done properly for file check,
when you expected it to turn out perfect.
you said it was a huge disappointment.
don't expect me to be one of the people with better files,
what did you actually expected?
perfect file with everything inside and prudy straight? :/
i'm sorry i disappoint you, but that's me.
Every single mistake from me,
equivalents to huge disappoint from you.
Take today as an example,
one piece of paper i didn't hand in, and i'm a disappointment to you.
what about the rest? Don't see you commenting about them~
That only means that; you think too highly of me,
and i'm not capable of being perfect.
What for get such huge disappointment when it's only a small matter?
I don't see the problem here,
but it is you, having too high expectations of me.
no, i'm not those tip-top-everything's okay student.
i'm not not not, I'm like just any other typical student,
not those who are like super awesome.

Sighh~ stress starting to build up ._.
Physics teacher went like, you all can do better;
Chemistry teacher is always expecting high grades from us,
see the last focus test, we didn't score well, and got railed at for 2 whole periods.
Biology; get at least a B3 or higher, if not retake until get B3 and above.
E-maths; teacher expecting those taking amath to excel, and do better than the rest.
A-maths; must pass, if not school holidays go back everyday ._.
Urghhhh~~ see howwwwwww ))):

everything's turning out horrible,
except for the fact that there're friends around
I seriously need a lifeeeeee;
plus~ mood-adjustment :/

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