Friday, June 12, 2009


Omggggggg~ darn :/
my stomach is cramp-ing like;
ehh, it had nvr cramp-ed for a zillion years -.-
cmi alr laaaaa ._.

past few days not online,
comp got prob -.-
pfftt ><

siann ayee,
most of the people i know;
all flock to malaysia alr -.-
like got some GMS there D:
ohh yes, great malaysia sale -.-

see arhh, chuqian went to malaysia,
komi went to malaysia,
sowmiya went to malaysia,
faustina went to malaysia,
and the list goes on -.-
H1N1 sucks :/ everyone flock thereeee ><

Sigghhh tireeeeeed ohh tireedd,
sorry huishi, cant accompany you go sch today,
and also jiaxin, ps, can't go jp that day :/
Lol, was not in good condition laa,
but hopefully, that overnight and jp trip went well ^^

Ohhyes, squad outing tmr,
probably wont be going,
sorry people :/ ankle cmi alr, still go cycle,
later halfway you see my ankle fly out

Ohh, yaahh,
and i still not used to my new hair cut D:
like some, omgg~ -.- 
Lol, rly this morning,
actually not only this morning;
ever since i had my haircut,
every morning since thenn,
my hair would be all messed up when i get up :/
Lol, then when i looked at the mirror,
i'll go like, omgg, my haaair~ -.-
anyway, enough about that laa,
Lol, sooner or later, it'll grow back ^^ (hopefully) x.x

Next, i'm tired,
so i'll stop here for now :D

Have a niceeee night all~
Bon Voyage to whoever who is going overseas :D


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