Monday, June 1, 2009

Back from NCO campppppp ;D

3Days2nightss~ OMGGG~i did it ♥; was waiting for this awesome moment :D
*yawns* tired now ):
there's still .22 competition tmr D:
omgg~ starting to feel kinda nervous alr ;X
before i continue, i'd further elaborate the past 3 days ;]


nothing rly much, teaching of Method of instructions :]
ohhyes, and i sprained my anklee );
urghh~ that's the worst part DD:
first day was bandaged up,
rather okay, but still hurting ;/
thenn, the self-sharing session was fun (:
nothing rly much too,
slept very well ^^ till i had a chain-dream X:

Ahaa~ without comp for 2.5days DD:
omggg~ another record
Lol, then arh, i keep on hearing the restaurant city music,
in the ava room. Lol~


it was kinda tiring,
took out bandage, but turned out worse,
ohhyes, did i mention that once i tear, its hard to stop? ;P
haaa~ yeaa, anyway, damnn painful lehh,
then took medicine- which caused drowsiness :O

i was like rlyrly sleepy, eyes want close alr ;X
was asked to take a short 10min power nap,
was thinking that; later sleep alr , hard to wake me up

Drills were kinda tough although those were revisions,
was probably my foot that made me hurt loads ):
ohhyes, luckily sir jeff helped me with the bandage ;D thanks ~
there's this water session, cairong was the first water parade I/C,
she went like; " erh, drink la. ( in her emotion-less tone) "
we all laugh-ed till like :@
Lol, sir johann made us hold the 1/5litres bottle up high,
elbows 90deg. omgg, that was painfull~~ haaa.
he then purposely keep on saying that he count wrongly;
make us hold there longer ._.

Mhmm, night was good ;]
we did some sharing ;DD
the 10-lines thing; idkk how to speak in front of crowds leyy,
Lol, at first when i stood there, i was kinda stunn-ed ;X
idk how to start talking ^^
then i started, and yeaa, went quite well :D
ohh, and also thanks sirs and ma'ams for the cake.
Lol, they went to buy cake for the june babies, haa,
much-ly appreciate-d ♥
and then we've to share two out of three wishe-s X:
Idkk, all of those wishes were personal
haa, end-ed up ehh, saying smthh else -.-
but when i went like, very personal lehh~
then komi they all were like " ahhhh~" Lol
made me throw face onlyy :X

There's also sing-along ;D
All of us went supeeeeeeeeeer highh ayee;
Lol, sing and singg, hyped uppp
Ohh, and there's this fun game,
haa, in the canteen, when its dark,
and then we'll kena water balloons/water ;D
did wash-ing up, and slept well.

Next day, nothing much,
just area cleaning~
and to the AVA-room :D
damnn fun :D
joke-d many and loads~♥
plus a bit of lecture~
tireeeeeed leyy ;P
lucky i still can absorb ;X

Ohh, and thanks those who helped me out during the camp,
heartfelt appreciation ;D
esp, dearest peishannn~ Lol :D thanks ♥
and others others (((:

then homed ^^
washed up;
haa, i spent like nearly 1+ hours in the bathroom :D
busy scrubbing myself cleaaaaan ♥

Lol, then ate ;D and slept for a while;
got up to unpack my bag,
then went to the doctor to get things done with my leg again~
Lol -.- was told not to walk, how to not walk? ~ i'll be boredd to deathhh~

and here i'm blogging :D
Going back to sleep after blogging xD
rly very tired, i still rmb the last annual camp i attend-ed,
ROFL, i slept for like 23 hours -.-
Lol, but got wake up for water in between



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