Tuesday, June 2, 2009


0.22 competition was fun;
at least i enjoyed it :D
wasn't too satisfied with my results;
although was quite alright :/

darnn tired ):
ystd slept all the way ever since i'm back from camp;
for about 12-14hours xD
and today, came back from shooting,
slept from about 2-8pm,
but still tired now X:
that's like 18-20hours alr :O

Tireeeeeed lehh;
ohhyes, i had a darn scary nightmare just now DD:
Lol, super scaryy lehh ._.
anyway, too lazy to elaboratee

heng i still able to wake up this morning xD
was afraid so tired till cant wake up ;X
thanks diana for the morning call;
although i set my phone to meeting mode,
still managed to somehow wake up.

Bio extra lessons tmr, probably still be in the canteen,
so not much difference ;D
meeting komi for lunch, then lib :DDD
need to get on to do the book reviews -.-
and reading's gonna take me ages ><
therefore, i'd start tmr, so dont be too surprised to see me holding a book. lol.

Went to mac with the shooters for breakfast today,
had fun ~ thanks people :D


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