Friday, May 15, 2009

Updaaaaaaaaaatee :D

Finaaaaaallyyy ♥
Crappy-ayee exams are over ~~
freedom back ^^
comp. also back :D

haveeennt been online for like..a week? o.o
omgomg, that's a record ._.
urghh, Lol, heaps of things happened,
idkk where to start from...ehh..

bio paper was crap, prepared to not do well,
phys paper was ehh, not rly good,
chemistry paper was okaay :D
Mcqs were awesome :]
was telling the rest, even if don't know how to do,
still have probability of 1/4 chance to strike~
E-math paper was ehh, better than expected.
A-math paper; suck-ed ._.
mhmm..geog and ss was okok ;D

Ohhyes, and thanks those who accompanied me to jpp :D
yup, those who went with me after each exam (:
despite next day still got exams :]
thanks ^^

ehh, sorry guys, can't make it for sentosa trip today :(
Urghh, i'll make it back another time?
sorry :(

but, hope you all enjoyed yourselves ~ :D
ohh yes, before i continue with my past-week-life-story;
and before i forget;

Happy 15th birthday, Anusia ♥
yup, finally 15th :D
thanks for crapping/laughing and sharing all ups and downs :D
stay smiling always ^^
ily :D

Mhmm, okok, let me see..
idk, what else to blog about lehh; there seemed to be like a million to blog,
but idk where to start :/

monday's marking day :D
no school ^^ think they're gng out ._.
idkk if i can make it lehh =/
cannot go -.-, then will kena suann again lehh ><
Lol, no laa, havent decided yet ;O

Gng to some church tmr ._.
Lol, no, i'm not a christiann :X
just that faustina invited me,
so thought since I've the time,
i'ma go there a look plus see ;D
its new creations, sounded kinda alien to me at first x]
somewhere over a suntec, aha, can go there shop :D

Just realised that i can't leave my comp. off for a weekk :X
haahh, good thingg, :D
yeaa, facebook plus plurk is flood-ed o.o
Lol, -.- i was like stone-ing in front of the comp.
i had like 99 alerts -.- ;
then my reaction was; where should i start?
haha, ended up not reading any of the alerts :D
plurkingg was worse -.- 150+ alerts -.-
can't even be bothered, Lol :D

ehh, 28th of this month is around the corner;
if it's good enough to last,
it'd be a year alr =/
anywayy, urghh ~ Lol

Tireeeeeeedd :D
but but, tonight decided to game 
tmr still need wake up early go suntec -.-
Lol, nvmm ._. can't wait for monday X:

Urgh, 0.22 training on tues ._.
haa,, like abit nervous?
Lol, mixed emotions =]
nvr thought/expected that i'll be gng for that,
anyway, let nature take its course

just realised that i blogged quite long alr 
Hahh, ehh, actually, this's only briefly :P
i think ehh, if i blog everything out,
my hands will just come out in front of the screen :/

Junee's coming :D
Lol, today i bought teenage,
then there's this zodiac,
much of a believer :D
it sounded rather right x]

Nothing muchh alr :D
guess i'd be off to msn-ing/face-book-ing anddd plurk-ing :D
plus game-ing ^^

Best of lucks for exams results,
throw all worries away, bring back your worries only after results come out :D
if not, cannot play-at-ease :D 
ahhaa, yahh, ltr very fast old plus wrinkles,
tskk, this kind of age-ing ahr, like buy 1-get-1-free -.-
age still not enough, still have free wrinkles :/
Lol, okaayy laa bye~

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