Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Studyy hardd~ :D

Blogggggggggggggging ♥
Ages since i last blogg-ed -.-
actually it was only ystddd ._.
Urghhh, anywayy.
today was okok, since now i've a bit of time to spare,
i can blog a little, longer :D
Actually decided not to go to school ,
but then urghh, at the end still went X:
although parents allowed. Lol, 良心发现 marhhs ^^ ♥

Haha, tmr comes the social studies and chemistry exams alr ):
uber soon lehh;
ltr gng for chemistry tuition o.o
Lol, think ima just fall asleep -.-
but urghh, i wouldnt want to fall asleep during tuition.
just re-newed my bill ^^

NINE (9) more days,
exams are gonna be over,
by thennn, play play playy 24/7 :DD
can't wait for that timeeee :X

But hopefully,
i won't flunk any of those test[s]
Lol, if not everyday go back to school ayeee;
even if not daily. at least for the first week o.o

Ohh btw, npcc day cancelled :S
hahh, was expecting it to comeee;
then polish boots, put everything nice nice alr,
then sayy cancelled :O aiyaa, anyway also good thing,
then no need wear full-u go take exams :D
Lol, ltr cannot concentrateeeee ^^

Another thinggg,
i must do well for that amaths lehh ):
Ohh well, hofm told me she was disappointed.
Guess she's gonna expect "good" results from mee ._.
must buckkk up ^^

Mhmm...idkk what else to blog about lehh;
hmm, how about that squeakyy chair,
omg~ speaking about that chair of mine in class ._.
Urghh, squeaky.. :O but luckily *energy-saving lightbulb comes up*
omg, no more squeakyy chair (:

ohh yaaa, there's also this ehh, physics programme,
more like a enrichhment ^^ sounded interesting lehh,
then me, peishan and cairong actually wanted to go,
but thenn, it's on the fridayy - first paradeee ;@
so qiao, Lol, therefore, we decided to not go;
there's passing out parade ^^ ♥
Looks/sounds/seems more interesting :D
actually i thought the seniors passed out alr o.o
the time when i went for SL ._. but anww, doesn't matter ~~

anw, goodluck everyone for mye(s)
just this NINE days :D
and everything will be over (:
workk haaaaaaard ehh~!! :DD ♥

You too, work hard, no more slacking~ :D

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