Saturday, April 11, 2009

;D 350thhh post ^^

Belated Easter and Good Friday ^^

Lol :D
yesterday was boring ):

was at home 24/7 ._.
it was also raining marhh ;X
thenn i went around smsing my contacts, thanks those who replied [[[=

I slept ALOT yesterday :O
i got up at 1pm -.- and then ate, tv then books,
3+pm slept till like 6pm -.-
Skipped my dinner ystd night, didn't had the mood to eat tho ._.

just started my day not long ago ;DD

omg~~ there's 爱就在一起
that show is uber niceeeeeeeeee okayy
Lol, that was the show that made me teared ><
Mhmm, there's also this MV,
winter sonataaa :DDD
vvv-the-good lehh ^^ *double thumbs up*
super nice ;D

Lesson planning for the sec1s ;D
havent completed yet ._. our group no head no tail one ):
idk lehh, all no time meet up xD
Lol, so until now still havent done the lesson planning ;S
nvm laa, think the deadline is sometime soon :X
船到桥头自然直 :D hahaha

Last but not least;
you're finally 15 ^^
another one of my friends contributing to the aging population~ tskktskk ^^

Gaaaaaahhh~~ i need my sun-flowers plant-ed A.S.A.P ):

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