Thursday, April 9, 2009


Happy Advanced Birthday Huishi

Today's SL was rather fun :D
was not rly because what we did was fun,
but it was probably because of class bonding ^^
Lol, super cool but suey suey rain ._.

Never got to plant my sunflower seeds DD:
nvm, brought them home to plant ^^
think i'd either get them into my balcony..
or perhaps, corridor ><

I'll ask for a comfy spot with tons of sunlight for those prudy sun-flowers :D
omg, cant wait to see them grow ^^
Haha, like those in movies, where the person is small where those
sun-flowers are huge and large and bright yellow :D
Lol, -.- movies ohh movies, can't rly be possible anyway =='

mhmm, vv tired ._.
i reached school at like 6.15am today :D
early, broke record =='
Lol, i got up at like 4+am for the past few days, and slept at like 1am -.-
but actually, i think i'm alr used to it alr, dont even feel tired -.-
Urghh~~ Zombie -.-

Seniors POP today :/
Haha, although i dont rly know most of the NCOs well,
best of lucks for your 'O's / 'N's ^^
didn't get to see their POP today,
Lol, reached sch alr vv late alr :/
i think about 6.30pm alr lorh :@
nevertheless, goodluck NCOs ^^

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