Monday, February 2, 2009


Just realised that Korean dramas are quite touching ayee ._.
haha, erhh, nothing much today,
this week is gonna be SUPER hectic :@

today- supposed to have amaths test and geog i think -.- but both cancelled.
Urghh; Monday blues ):
this morning i spent like 123456hours with my hair cos it keeps slipping off :S
damn annoying -.- was like urghh, hands are aching lurhhs -.-
Tues-bio focus test and maths test.
wed- shooting :/ till 5.30pm (i think) =='
Thurs- shooting. 0.22 :] till quite laaaate :O
Friday- think it is going to be the WORSE day of the week :@
erm, there's P.E most likely NAPFA training, then NPCC, prolly marching AGAIN -.-
and all those drill(s) urghh :(
theeenn, i've to catch up for TWO lessons of A-maths -.-
there's like urghh, ms ho goes like express train each lesson,
missing out two lesson entire lessons would be HELL for me -.-
ohh yarhh, there's still erhh, maths focus test T.T OMG ~~

erhh, then i still have yet to catch up with bio practical :O
which i missed like a week ago cos i was absent from sch. =/
it is like *&^%$#@!
anyway, think i'll find some time to do that =/

Damn man :( life's super hectic,
i hate my busy busy life now ._.

Orhh yahh,
and today;
shashi, peishan and anusia did something evil hahha
they dragged me into the toilet, [almost]
planning to splash water on me, to give me water bash :X
urghh, uber scary ._.

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