Friday, January 30, 2009

._. Urghhh D:

♥ Raaaaaawr

Urghh, today is a not-so-awesome day for me :/
Promotion test was sucky for me
I got uber tense and my commands went like &%$@#
anw, i believe in fate. It is either that i fail this time round, or there's another re-test.
Arghhh~~ enough of those stupid stuff

did some catching up during a-maths today,
some alpha & beta, or smth, idk the spelling =/
its quite simple, but it is only the starting o.o
that was what ms ho told me ._.

maths was erhh, okay,
went thru maths paper T.T
which the pathetic results were like O.o'
wasn't awesome neither faaabulous D:
mr aziz called me a-m-a-n-d-a again ._.
haha, and that got the class laughing

Mhmm, today chem was ok,
starting to like ms ho's lessons,
found her RATHER interesting,
at least she laughs when she jokes, unlike the previous few times,
when she tells a joke, she gives the stern face, LMAO ><

P.E was freaaaaaaaaking &^%$@!#
okay, that person was calling me amanda, amanda, amanda -.-
when i told her to stop; i was -.- nvm abt that :/

thanks anusia for teaching me the a-maths,
and crapping heaps with me :D
you're the best :]
thanks for always being there for me (:
ily girl ♥ - sweetheart ^^

Waiting under the rain is something stupid,
but waiting under the rain without taking
shelter is the stupidest thing one can do. :@
do take good care, too much rain in bad for health. X:

haha; imissyou =(

urghhhs =/

I'm still hoping for a miracle to happen
bit of hope is still there ,
as i believe that miracles do happen

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