Wednesday, January 21, 2009


down with flu, fever, cough and sore-throat =/
like the tap left on -.-' damnnnn :@
Theeeen, i read some articles and realised that recently alot ppl also
as in 12,000 people are down with flu for the past weeks O.O

Actually ystd night happily still packing bag, prepare to go to sch today,
didnt expect this morning have fever -.-
later gonna ring someone up to ask what happen today in sch. (:
OMG, i need heaps of sleep =/
i was like o.O when i took flu medicine then i went O.O
LOL, it is PINK :O
and it is killer :@

i ate one of those pink pill yesterday night,
and from 10.30pm i slept till afternoon today :[
now it is late afternoon and i'm STILL feeling sleepy =/ *yawns*
anyway, erhh, hopefully today dont have much hw

i want my voice back :(
3days ago, my voice was loud,
then, i've not-so-loud voice,
then, i nearly lost my voice,
today, i completely lost my voice -.-
when i got up and tried talking, i thought i went mute ._.

Am STILL in the process of getting my voice back DD:

ohh well, since i'm at home,
i might as well make use of the time =]
think later ima get on to do some revision & do some chapter notes ^^
at least ima feel better if i do something productive =]

realised i've been using like, erhh, tons of emotions in the post =D
that shows that most of the times emotions tend to portray more than words.
I simply love those emotion icons =D

maths test yesterday =/
was kind of soso lorh.
anyway, nothing much now =]
hopefully tmr i can return back to sch.
i've missed too much today.

I'll be missing ms wang's bio lessons today,
which each lesson she goes sososo fast ._.
and also chinese =/
and english, worse thing is A-math =O
ms ho goes like bullet train okayyy =(
doubt i can catch up also.
moreover going for classification shoot from np tmr,
then i'll miss another of her lesson[s] ._.
Urghhh-ness :/

Now, i'm starting to miss my friends and school :/
i checked;
Valentine's this year falls on a S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y );
omg :@ asshole =/
means i'm not able to go out =/
ohh well, was hoping it to fall on a weekday..

Off to have my L-U-N-C-H now :)

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