Monday, July 14, 2008

wonder-ful, edit-ed pics for both =D

Hahahs, i've plenty-ful of time now
so doing editing =D hmmm,
nothing better to do yea =x

mmmk, today was okay,
first period was errr,
home econ :D
gaaahhh, ms tham ( did i spell it correctly?)
it's her LAST time teaching us..
awww, sadded next one not sure who,
she's nice, sweet, dont go cans? =/
arrrgh, idk, but all the best in everything you do yea
♥LOVE the pink heart keychain thingy you gave us =D
thanks =))

next was urrm, maths,
speaking of maths, urrrgh, maths test
tough like abcdegf, as in not enough time T.T
left one qn BLANK and 2 qns dunno how to do =x
sighs, nvrminds, its over lerrh =D

music teacher ms lin
did not come, free period =D
okay, i've a so "man" voice eh -.-
yea, lobsteeer and people were making fun =/
tsk, i want my voice baaack =.=
omg, its 4days alrd, sighs :[
and then did not really do much talking,
some people today, call them they cant hear
as in seriously ish my voice so soft today?

okay lurrrh, anything, it ish lateee now,
tireeed, worn out again, just took medicine :o
okay, ending,

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