Sunday, July 13, 2008

waaaah...baaaack to sch tml =DD

^.^ edited this thingy for dearest lobsteeeerr~~!!
hahahs, gonna do another one for crappycrab when i've the time =D
idk lurrrhs if tmr i'm going to school :o
but i guess so,
for the sake of people♥™
and heaps of stuff to be completed
for the sake of handing my the project,
having maths class test
and alot alot more lurrrhs =D

i MISS school okays =D♥™
hahhas,idk why people like to put
their blogs/friendster etc on private
it get stupid annoying T.T
want to enter but cannot,
that stupid feeling ish so pathetic -___-
okay neverminds =D

so today i'm like tired as usual,
everyday medicine medicine, i sian le lurrrhs
worse is med makes me tired larrhs
grrrr, i cannot stand it anymore -.-
anyway, ohhyarrh, ystd night
or rather evening talked on the phone
with KCQ & LOBSTER =DD♥™
hahas, at first they made fun of my pathetic voice -.-
sound "cool" they said, actually sounded "man"
-___- anyway, they got high somehow,
talking about higher music and food T.T
amazing urrrh? i dnt laugh, sore throat =.=

and and and,
today, when i went tuition :o
in the morning,
then all went well,
until, when the teacher asked me to read something :x
omigosh, READ? O_o i no voice le lurrhs :[
then i tried 2 times, no voice came out,
i paused and coughed, finally voice came out
i started reading, then suddenly o.O
i went out of pitch T.T pathetic right?
arrrgh, so damnit paiseh larrrh.
hope tmr go back to sch there's less reading :D

and hmm, now i'm like along at home♥™
cos family all went to cousin's house
and here i'm sick and doing home econ work
there's home econ, first 2 periods,
chiong-ing the SA projectwork :o
yea, anyway, i'm sick
so rather not go yea? =D
just had my dinner >.<
now online doing stuff :P

nothing else le lurrrhs =DD
seeeyou guys tml :)
imy imy imy :D


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