Saturday, July 26, 2008

went for tuition just now XD

hahhs, freeeeaking amazing tuition -.-
from like 3pm-5pm
morning 9am-11am =/
have been gng to tuition like idk what,
a machine? tsk, haish T.T
okay was dozing off at tuition place :o
amazing uh? was omg sleepy lurrhs
slept at 1am ystd, was tired but stayed up,
watched the ghost whisperer ^.^ ♥
omg omg this show ish so uberly amazing okay,
a bit scary, idk why,
just eww, gross, but still,
it's vv nice, 5 stars for it =D♥

anw, was like idk what,
then while waiting for my dad to pick me up,
there's this uncle -.-
yea, i was like looking for my dad's car,
then he horned at me =x
i turned at looked at the direction la,
he horh, gave me that wtf smile, -.-
i was like wth? ♥
and i looked away.. =]
then he horned me again, raised his brows a little,
and drove off cos there was a car behind him =.=
i was like omg, do i even know him, ass :x
it was freeeaking scary dude :s

then another guy, drive his van,
stop in front of me :o
then i was like...eeerrm??
he wind-ed down his windows,
gave me that creepy look okay plus creepy smile -.-
heng worrhs,friend from the tuition center thingy
came out and said bye then chatt-ed with me,
he drove off, made a U-turn and went away,
i was like..holy-cow, asshole la,
so unlucky lorhhhs =.=

ass la both :x
btw, i waited 35minutes for my dad T.T
he was lateee, as usual
everytime also like that one leh,
make me wait,
last week even worse,
made me waited till it rained :s

anw, ltr mayb gng out for dinner =DD
hahhas, nothing else really,
but still now got time,♥
so decided to come online,
ooouh yah, my P.W powerpoint thingy,
ystd night havent do finish yet =/
working on it now, ending =D

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