Sunday, July 27, 2008

done replying tags =D

THANKs siqi for the classblog
which is like so finally up♥
hahahs, today dont really have mood to post,
just did some link-ing up of people,
next time change link tell me lurrhs,
let me go around searching for you peep's new link
like siao like that -.-
okay, idk what to say,
these few days slept until so latee then wake up,
tsk tsk, Monday morning sure cannot wake up de :x

hahas, yesterday night went to west coast park,
enjoying the wind there,
yea, nothing to do marh,
so after dinner went there walk,
of course with parents la,♥
then was sms-ing with lobsteerr,
the bright invisible CCTV :D
hahas, i invented that okeh,
while sms-ing, i was laughing at my silliness,
where got bright then invisible one?

then i laughed,
my parents thought i went siao le,
hahahs, 11more days,
to Olympics, and also my dearest♥
lobster birthday, she's finally gng older :DD
hahhas, will be buying tubs of ice-cream for her T.T
make her eat until she scared =D
you all might not understand what i talking about,
but my dearest lobster surely will understand de ^.^

Nothing else,
tags replied =D


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