Thursday, July 10, 2008


♥hmm, just baaack from npcc :o
vv tired :x
energy all drained out lerrrh lurrrhs =/
idk larrh, vv tiring today
got stupid head ache T.T
i'm like so idk what to say today,
anyways, still i'd be blogging :D

first period was ehh, chinese =.=
was sorta okay, not as sleepy as ystd.
and then was like teacher was letting
us listen to some china song -___-
that part was boring, but some of
them were like singing to that abcdef song -.-
okay, did my 作业already, yayness man, HAPPY :)
ROFL, idk larrhs

then was errrm, english :x
today was horrigible :s
3 periods of english T.T
yea, but was okay larrrh,
had to do like mind map thingy,
write tons of stuff, and finally,
composition =/ was tiring worrrhs =]

next up,
was hmm,geography,
teacher was not here,
idk why, but i thought i saw her in school..o_O
was talking to singling most of the time =D
and got to know her A LITTLE more :)
hahas, actually she's okay lurrrhs
and they were peeps busy giving out exam papers o.O
the mid year one T.T then it made me recall how badly
i've been doing for my mid years
sighs, tmr is the parents thingy, whatever lurrhs,
cant be bothered le :s

urrrm, then got eh,
maths and science,
yuren did the molecule dance during science lesson,
LMAO, it was hilarious =DD
ahhas, not really but yea

maths was a killer period,
that was when i was having head ache,
no mood to listen to lesson T.T
cos was like idk what,
busy rushing my maths1,
then lent it to joan cos she lost hers ^.^
and was chiong-ing all the way for 2periods
noticed that i cannot multi task -.-
i cnt really listen to mdm wong talk and do at the
same time yea, tsk tsk
was an arsehole period for me eh~
hahahs, ass-hole ish what my lobster had taught me to use >.<

next was NPCC at 4.30pm-6.30pm worrhs,
sighs, was tiring yeap
so when the bell rang, i went to the staff room,
to loom for ms tan and mdm wong =D
yea, mdm wong for my maths2 =]
and ms tan for the class com. meeting :D
then was like idk what to say,
thanks anusia and hui shi for waiting for me yea

and then went to the canteen to meet up with komi etc
was like, errr, idk how to explain, nvrminds,
then polished my boots~~ till it shin-ed like abcdefg ^.^
terrific man, i polished like idk what lurrhs =D
then crappycrab and lobster went to err, iron their skirt o.O
amazing eh, at weiting's house, they say scared ltr crumpled
then kena scolding :x hahahs
loitered around the school, went to the lib.
was like the person there say today cnt lend the boardgames cos
got scholar passing by school today..and idk what lurrrhs,
so loitered here and there, talked&joked =]

alot more to elaborate,
but vv tired today,
i think I caught a flu
aiyarrrhs, gotta go take med. and rest
so ending here,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!