Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Blogging ♥™ =x

hahas, blogging again =DD
errm, today was okeh eh ^.^
just worn out T.T
caught with sore throat,
ystd was like also slight fever-ish,
stomache ache etc, doc said it was errr, stomach flu -___-
arrrgh, so arse-hole lurrrhs..
today was okay larrrhs,
was like er, xingxuan,singling and "gang"
were busy pulling pinafore of ladies o_O
i seriously did not do anything, then
one of them came over to pull mine T.T
i was shocked, scream etc eh♥
you all urrhhs :x tsk tsk

hahas, theres lit,maths,science test coming up :o
heaps of them yea? to study =/
today was like er, idk what to say, sleepy eh.♥

i was like omg omg sleeping in chinese class,
teacher was like, now i give you all 2mins break =D
then i rested my head on the table,♥
nearly fell asleep, actually fell asleep already :p
sighs,really vv tired :O

ystd night arrrhs, was a killer night for me,
okay, i went tuition,
then to the doctor, to get m.c
and when i reached home,
bathed and have dinner,
took my medicine, which kinda cause drowsiness =/
the time by then was like 8.20pm
then sms-ed crappycrab and lobster~~ =D♥
and then helped lobster printed out presentation for
art today~~ 4pages info plus 4 pics :]

then noticed black no more ink, went to install black ink,
after printed out, lobster told me she needed pictures =)
ask-ed her if can black and white,ended up still installed
ink again, for the rest of the colour to print,
hands ended up so dirty T.T
and then when everything was settled
and was like about 10pm already =/

packed my bag, preparing to get to bed...
actually when i lay down le >.<♥
then,*ahem* xingxuan sms-ed me :o
asked me to help her find info and 5pics :x
i was like arrrgh, then dragged myself to the comp.
and went to find the info and the pic :s
when i printed it out, was like about 10.30pm ald
was SO omfg tired -.-''
yea, then was like dragging myself back to bed again
so went K.O and Zzzz until the next day =D

Yeap, so today, first half of the day was like sleepy,
like idk what lurrrhs T.T
yea, and today like no homework,♥
have to get my mum to sign the friday thingy,
for streaming one, must come back to school
and so, idk urrhs, hope np release us earlier.
cos form teacher say we must go with parents marrhs,
tml *MUST* brng thermometer..
hahahs, my old one idk where liaaos,
i think spoil or throw away le ^.^

hahas, nothing much le larrrhs,
hhhm, changed my blog song,♥
actually wanted to change it to the song fall for you,
the secondhand serenade one :O
but i choose that song before le,
so now, i choose this song eh >.<
so awesome lurrrhs, this song =DD
hehs, and idk, i've this strong feeling that
someone has always been reading my blog,
idk lurrrhs, too sensitive eh? hahs,♥
tmr think i not going to stay back.
not sure, but anyways, ending here


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