Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Lalala~~! nothing much eh =D
today HAPPY :D♥™
lobster left halfway :o
pangseh me again :x
ystd night stomach ache/diarrhoea -__-
but today still went to school, as usual eh :O
when to see the doctor like just now yea,
got m.c from p.e tmr -.-
am like damn freeeaking tired plus moody now T.T
finding the art thingy now,
for tml the presentation thingy i think :o
yea, idk what to find,
perhaps..music baarrhs o_O♥™
idk, something i like...hmm
think i also helping lobster find :x
too much time marrrhs can?
YAY-ness, i've finished re-doing my maths :D
hahhas, now i've got myself PLENTY of time :p
and yea, so was like heard that alan yap got the
highest in the shooting competition today -___-
surprisingly T.T okay luurrrhs
idk nvrminds...=x
okay, hm, theres a maths test coming up,
chapter 7 and sec1 topics =/
think i forgot all my sec1 topic alrd -.-'' how?
idk larrrhs =x today overall was a fun day,♥™
just vvv tired
anyway, nothing else barrhs
arrgghh, think ima end here first,
seeyarrrhs :D

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