Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lalalas =/

sighs, just had dinner =D
yea, today was okay lurrhs =p
there;s chinese first period =x
was slack-ing during M.T lesson :o
surprising eh T.T♥
anyway, then xingxuan was freezing there
like idk what lo :x aww, sadded =.=

nothing much,
badminton =D
and running, was like abcdefg raining the whole
morning, came to school that time heavy rain,
heng dad fetch-ed me all the way to school :D
partner-ed with jiaxin =DD♥
HAHs, her reaction when she playing was omg funny larh =o
hahahs, omg omg funny -.-'
anyway, enjoy-ed myself lurrhs =]

Art =)
after recess,
new teacher, ms chan, idk if i remember-ed correctly la..
then we were doing gradient thingy, colours, shading etc
was quite easy larrrhs, then chatt-ed a little =p
nothing much to elaborate lurrrhs♥

ms jessica tan's lessson,
idk if it was C.T or C.M.E
anyway, talked about the humanities thing,
the trip to somewhere idk where, nvrminds -.-
okay then the national day audition thingy,
our class doing cheer,♥
the cheer ish uberly awesome okeh :D
hahahs, coolios ^.^

pathetic score for my english test -.-
arsehole lurrrhs :( sighs,
must buck-up le >.<
okay was like abcdefg bored during English lessons,
for idk why but anyways, idk idk la =s

went to physics lab.
didn't do hands-on,
did theory =x
was like boring, sat at the back,
cant really see, so mov-ed to the front
with jieyi and xinghua =D♥
was more talking than writing,
absolutely LOVE my file, omg,
esp the MULIT-COLOUR-ED plastic divider,♥
i know this is kind of, eh, weird but hahahs :x

after school,
npcc =p
was like wtf tiring okeh -.-'
rehearse and rehearse =/
then when fall-in, i fidget-ed a little,
the NCO came and ask-ed,
in the squad can move a not?
then i was like, no~
she said very good, then walked away :o
i was like ~H?U~H? *confuzzled*

anyway, sir jeff said we improve-d alittle okeh ♥=D
but we still must buck-up yea,
today was lil peeps, only 16ppl
suppos-ed to be 18 -.- plus 3 reserves
but today, 16ppl, 2 lesser, no reserves :s
how pathetic ish this man,
i was thinking, what if 2-3ppl suddenly sick/faint,
then how? anyway, thank god, it went smoothly ^.^

then was like chang-ing then the same NCO
came and asked me what sir jeff/johann said,
i was like thinking, arnt you there when they spoke to us?
but still stumbl-ed to answer her =]
fetch-ed komi to the interchange♥
my one and only be-loved =D

tmr mayb gng to get present =)
for my dearest partner ♥
hahas, havent decide =o
mayb gng with crappycrab, depends,
see if she got time marrhs,
she everytime last minute got lobang one larrhs =x
hahs, nvrminds =]

tmr lobsteeer~ gng swimming =D
goodluck, quick pass your swimming then can
get the bronze le ^.^ jiayous~~!♥
and also, today, somewhat figure-d out,
or rather sense-d that you not really in the mood,
idk why, but something in me strongly tells me that
you're not the same old lobsteeer i knew days/weeks/months ago,
i did tried to ask, but you didnt answer,
so well, probably you didnt wanna say or something,
but still CHEER-UP :)
(I'll always be there for you)

Ending here,♥

i'll always be there for you
stay joyful and smiling always,
iloveyou =D♥

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