Tuesday, July 22, 2008

ILOVEYOU GUYS♥*points to picture*

hahas, didnt go for tuition ^.^
too sian lorrh, actually 5.30 supposed to go.
anyway, didnt go la.
thursday have to go get present, but
got tuition, go i guess have to bring the
tuition forward, to tmr,♥
but tmr i got NDP rehearsal T.T
sian lorrh, idk la,
cos i dont want to miss rehearsals anymore =/
ever since i got sick last week =[
anyway, idk lurrhs see first =D

today school was okay,
after school went jp with crab,lobster
they went to buy books, =]♥
was like choosing for so long,
the peishan went to choose the eraser =))
she was like joking while choosing -.-
say must write name big big etc,
then i was like laughing like abcdefg >.<

then at the end she bought the huge eraser :O
hahahs, anyway, reached home at about 4pm..
settled my lateee lunch at like almost 5pm le :s
laaateeee eh? sighs,
anyway, tonight not having dinner le la,
so late then have lunch =s

ending here,
enjoy the picture horh =D♥


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