Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cloud Nine

Today was good, just got home,
you made my day and it was super unexpected.

Anyway in school, chinese was okay, first lesson.
English was too chim but not too bad.
Too many periods of English too boring. 
Geography was okay, too me five minutes to recall what was taught.
Was too busy doing my maths during geog. class.

Science was not too bad,
Mr Wong was nice today,
we played games where we had to continue the sentence,
without using the alphabets M,G,T and N.
Forgot which alphabets but okay lah it was good.
If we got it wrong we'll have to run out of the classroom,
to the entire stretch of corridor and shake our butts. 

Joan and Wen Hui got it hahah,
Yu Ren decided to owe to class three of the 'punishments' 
Laughed so much till my cheeks were aching.  

Mdm Wong came in for maths,
we asked for free period but she refused,
all of us ended stoning but couldn't control our laughter from before,
ended by laughing and talking.
Completed all my work.

After school went down to the canteen to help Sowmiya photocopy her manual.
Went to marine parade and flyer after,
but went back to shower and change, took so long
only managed to get there at 3 plus.
Did shopping, and didn't know you could play the guitar.
Like serious, when did you pick it up hahaa.
Touched lah - Secondhand Serenade 
First song on the guitar and my favorite 
Didn't know you sing too, hahah not bad,
thanks for making my day~

PS and CQ decided not to come for school tmr,
pangseh me tsk.

All the best for the competition tomorrow! ♥ 

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