Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Decided to redo my maths two today,
although not asked to do so, but neat okay!

Stayed back with the beloved CQ,
and she was telling me how touched she was when she saw the letter 

Chinese, maths and science homework to be done,
Mr Wong decided to give us another week to complete our project.
Should had said earlier then I don't need to chiong like siao.

Thanks CQ and PS for your letters 
Stayed back till about 3plus before I headed home.

Looking forward to tomorrow,
It is almost two weeks since I saw you and I will be early.

Anyway, stayed back to do my work today,
and helped CQ complete her home econs. drawing etc.
Better color it nicely hahaha!
While I was using pencil to draw, she was so picky hahah.
This one font too small, slanted etc ._.
Kept changing and erasing..

Then she suddenly asked,
"I asked for so much, you not angry meh"
Hahah, why would I be, no lah don't think too much pls.
Hahaha #patient94

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