Saturday, July 5, 2008


Today's both Karl and Afif's birthday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Karl, thanks for all the sweet times we shared together,
and also thanks for always being there for me :)
ily tons and may all your wishes come true.
Stay happy and don't let your family stuff bother you too much,
it makes me worry and bad for you too.

Youth day on Monday,
there's tuition though sigh,
Raining super heavily now and wanna sleep in.
Last night over the phone for about two hours,

Smsed Peishan, I forgot to pass her the 应用文 T.T
Paiseh, Tuesday then I pass you.
She is going off on tues for some shooting stuff.
She talked about seats and stuff, laughed to her messages.
My parents asked if I was okay, reading messages and laughing.... -_-

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