Saturday, June 28, 2008


Recent online shopping craze alert.
Visited Karl's blogshop yesterday,
ordered some stuff online and my bill is month, dieeeee.

Okay need to study, but let's put that aside.

School homework, gonna pile up
luckily i've started on it

-maths (the questions from book)
-Chinese (作文,习字,作业) *haven't hand in 作文&作业 (DONE)
-Home Economics *file plus poster (DONE)
-Geog. file (yet to buy) :x *workbook pg 1-6 (DONE)
-English *conversation thingy (dk what to do)
-Literature *complete monkey's paws story (DONE)
-Science *project thingy (1/2 DONE) ._.

Monday waiting for Karl to finish her PW.
Parents promised a new bag,
saw one at taka the other day *-*

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