Monday, June 30, 2008


The 7pm show, Love Blossoms 2? 
They're filming part two already..

Today was okay, did a lot of worksheets for Home Ec.

Ms Yip not here already so NIE teacher taking over, she is quite okay.
Corn Chip molester story was interesting, especially the first installment of the story! 

Councillors was okay. 
Assembly was fun.

Pastoral Care (PC) was just like that.
I was like so busy like four pages of story to read,
reflection form to complete,
getting youth day donation thing - welfare head mah.
SL project reflections that Ms Tan asked me to write.
So many things that I did within 35minutes, no bad right? hahah!

Music, we watched school of rock, nice!
The last part was nice :)

Karl have this blogshop thing,
she went to the interchange to collect payment from customer,
went with her and met up with this westwood girl,
hahah she was like just standing beside her and Karl didn't dare to ask.
Ended up we were waiting for each other to ask until..she came up and ask....

Went to get lunch at 4plus, so late :/

Road safety tomorrow until 6pm..
NCC day tomorrow there's this announcement.

Have to assemble at the parade square and reach school by 7.15.


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