Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Exaaaaaaaaaams over :D

omgggg, finally :D
i waited for like abcdefg days for exams to end ._.
Lol, gonna enjoy myself to the fullest,
if not i'll be letting myself down :/

Today was good :D
went out whole day,
had my dinner out ^^
Lol, thanks for the day :]
went to jp, imm then back to jp again.
Lol, took loads of retarded pics,
got time then upload ._.

Lol, anw, siann,
stayed up to study like crap the last few days,
-.- becoming more and more like panda le -.-
Anw, for the next few days,
i'm not going to go near any books xD
last week keep on studying,
after exams need slack le :D

Mhmm, idk what to blog about,
tmr, actually squad wanted to go pulau ubin cycle de,
then plan cancelled, decided to postpone to sentosa
but idk, it's during the hols i guess :]

This hols, need to find a spare day for pool :D
omggg, ages since i played that lor,
no time ._. need rly one fine day go enjoy
tmr idk lehh, might be going out,
or worst come to worst, stay at home w/ comp :X
Haha, becoming more and more like cairong alr~

Idk, too long nvr blog le,
back to blogging a little awkward lehh o.o
Lol, back to facebook,
everything seemed dead, those games stuffs
plus too many alerts to read ._.
Lazy -.- to go through lehh :X
Haha, idk la, sian

Going off to bed alr,
perhaps go watch some idk what show,
then sleep soon :X
Nothing muchhh~


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