Thursday, September 3, 2009

Unconditional Love

Ages since i last blogg-ed :l
tskk, sian ahh, since i've got abit of time,
shall blog, today was okay,
first half of the day was dumb, tiredd, bio test was killer lor,
so many chapters/things to memorize :/
anyway, over jiu over alr~

then was ehh, there's chinese test too,
was like idk :X just tired
not enough sleep la, bio 10+ chapters lor,
it's like an overall review
anw, over liao, so nvm la :X

Np tmr, camp prep :/
siann ahh, camp again ._. idk la, have to go though.

today was okay, omg, no amaths, finally,
for once she's not here :X but didnt went home straight hahah,
went to 3e3's SL haha, go there see and look lor
chatted tons with jx :D thanks girl ^^

waited for komi also, shun bian lor :]
talked about stuffs, complicated stuffs,
matters and complications of the heart i guess :l
she told me smth, got me uber confused :/
idk la, the only thing i know is, it's not possible?
hard la, tskk, haha, jx ahh, make me think so much lor
idk laa, perhaps someday laa :X

okayy, so overall nothing much,
yesterday was crap for me,
was rather moody ):
settled it ystd night, thanks :D

Confused, very very :/
i don't know where i'm now,
mixed emotions, :/
stuck in the middle of many emotions
it's like i take a step forward,
and ten steps backwards,
i don't want to move on,
i'm afraid, instinct :S
final years coming,
concentrate~~ urghhh :X

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