Friday, August 21, 2009

"Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out,
but to see who cares enough to break them down"

Bloggingggg :D
since i've the time today ^^
shall post a long and detail-ed one ;D
of my fruitful day? Rofl
watching fated to love you tonight,
10pm, channel U, nice, go watch :D

Today was nothing much ^^
rather plain, but anyway,
first lesson was chinese,
omggg, spelling DD: damnnn lor
okay, confession, didnt study for it :X
just last minute flipped through,
hopefully won't get zero ehh :l

neextt; was ehh, english :O
omggg, ._. nothing rly much to comment about,
Rofl, ehm, just going through some compre
mine was crap anw. :/
haa, ms lin actually wanted to read out some silly compo,
some haircut to the dresser,
Lol, funny but a little dumb ._.

maths was okok,
mr aziz ahh, keep on making fun -.-
Lol, i sigh, he sighed louder -.- wthhh,
haa, funny la plus nonsense also,
but he's good :D
but he's a fun person, good to have him around,
plus drama~ Lol

watching some weird show now o.o
actually left the tv on,
haa, it's the 9pm channel 8 show :X
idkkk, random-ness~

andd, next was chemistry,
miss low was nice,
Lol, allow us to do our bio file for the last 10mins,
file check rlyrly sucks DDD:

chemistry was okay,
Lol, komi they all keep on speaking in dialect ._.
uber hilarious, keep on laughing
ohhyahh, during aziz's lesson i think,
i laughed till i tear-ed because of idk what, forgot alr xP

ss was okok,
something about northern ireland thingy,
nothing much :X

Geography was a little slacky :)
was busying with my file :D
need it to be near-to-perfect, but not yet,
Lol, if not, ms wang will kill me -.-
she's good and very strict

heard that i've a few qns of corrections not done yet D:
monday prepare to see books flying alr la -.-

anyway, amaths test was k-i-l-l-e-r :@
can go bang wall already la,
question four, freaking twenty marks -.-
die ahhh~ Lol,
idk how i'll make my way pass this test,
anyway, i'll be alright i suppose

haa, npcc was tiring ._.
wasnt feeling too good :/

ohhyes, tmr komi and i going for midnight movie,
and 3.30am, then for breakfast,
anyone joining us? xD

Lol, kidding laa,
actually we did plan, komi agreed to it,
but, sot ahh, so early go -.-
tmr still got abseiling :@@

Wthhh, i'm scared of heights can -.-
you know, that time i went to stc,
only about 3 metres off the ground,
now lehh, 5-6 storeys? o.o
dieee~ so high,
don't want go la,i want flagday, jealous leyy ><
flagggday tmr :X i want go~

maybe going to watch movie tmr,
meeting idk who, Lol,
uppp, i want watch ^^
like quite nice lehh, i want the animation one
actually was asked to go watch GI joe ,
but then it poured heavily that day,
didnt go, it was a sunday anw,
sorry didnt turn up that day :/

anyway, yupp~
feeling tiredd now :/
want sleep but can't sleep feeling ):
mix-ed emotions too :O
so yuppp :X

think i'd stop here alr,
like quite long alr this post,
end alr la

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