Saturday, August 15, 2009

438thh post

Lol, just woke up at about 12+pm D:
rly tired, went to bed at like 5am ystdd night,
can't freaking get to bed,
Ended up counting and interacting with the oxygen molecules -.-

Lol, focused test was crap :X
keep on changing the questions halfway,
no time to complete the paper ><

Did'nt feel gooddd thoo :l
anw, yesterday was kinda funn,
i laughed so hard till i teareddd, ♥
had not laughed that hard for quite some time alr~

therefore, was in an uber great mood :D
Lol, went crazy ystd, perhaps known as stress-relief ._.
haa, was talking crap ystd before focused test,
until like those who crapped tgt didnt study much,
too much laughing ♥ :D
komi laughhhed till she spat her water out -.-
Lol, my sleeveee, eww D:

Just had my brunch,
still feeling tired,
stomach cramping like nobody's business :/

facebooking  ♥
just did a h-u-n-d-r-e-d questions quiz :O
kinda idk now, mixed emotions again,
up, down, left, right, centre,
idk where i am :X

28thh is coming soon :X
idkk idkkk

Just realised this post's filled with alot of idk[s]
but i rly don't know?

Haha, dad's stressing that exams are coming,
but wait, i thought mid years just passed not long ago? -.-
Damnnn, time really flies :S

today's the 15th, yes 15th,
why 15th? idk -.-

doing tons of paragraphing today,
BOF tonight, if i remember correctly,
tonight got show trailer or something,
should be quite interesting

Yesterday night watch-ed,
fated to love you
damn, why do televisions always have nice shows? -.-
make me watchh and don't want study
10-11pm, don't normally watch,
so ystd's one was good, i teared?
againnn~ damnn, that's quick D:
okay, that show's highly recommended ^^
so, go watchhh~

readd the photogenic life by low kay hwa ystd,
super nice plus touching,
finished up the book after dinner,
about 1.5hours spent reading that,
too engrossed, very nice book.
seem to me that his book always seem to ehh,
make me tear or my eye feel ... D:
nice stories, touching ones ♥
previously read i believe you,
was super touching xD
so, go readddd

Bought September's copy of teens,
was nice, but was only halfway through,
due to the fact that i spent most of my time reading,
haha, that low kay hwa's book ystd night ^^

Quite interesting laa ^^
not as highly recommended as lkh's novels,
and BOF/ fated to love you, but if rly have time should go read :X

Rofl, i'm like advertising for mediacorp, teens mag. and lkh -.-
Lol, aiyaa, should had asked them to pay me for advertising hor
$_$ haa, kidding laaa, idk what else to type :@

okay la, ages since i last blogged

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