Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Thanks all those who sms-ed me ystd night :D
haa, thanks for staying up so latee ^^
and also, those wishes over tagboard, and facebook ^^
and also, yimin, huishi, anusia and komi for the sms :]
was rlyrly surprised ^^ plus it was rly funny :D
haaa :D

Yesterday was very fun :D
thanks nic! :)

today was funn too :D
went out with parents ^^
haa, lazy and tired to elaborate,
its 10+ alr (:
sleepy liao ><
haa, erm, other day got time then upload pics

mhmm, 15thh alr; finally :D
ohhyes, contributeing to the ageing population ._.
this year so far so good ^^
had gone well and smooth for me :]
been blessed :] hopefully things remain this way ^^

Normally people who have 3 wishes right?
mhmm, okay i shall post 3 post-able ones ;X

-I want 365days of happiness ^^
-I want to see loads of shooting stars/ another double rainbow
-I want a time-machine :D

actually still got heaps moreeeeee :X
haaa =)

Lastly, before i end,
a huge THANK YOU :D

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