Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Baaaackkkk :D

Finally back from stc'09 :D
wahhhaa; damnnn tirinngg~
but overall very shiokkk (: ♥
well, at least better than atc~

Although just got back very tireeed :l
bbbbut; computer still takes top priority
therefore, decided to msn, facebook plus blog ;D

Reach-ed campsite,
did some tent pitch-ingg,
kinda tiring, the trek up there was tiring :X
i perspired like nobody's business when i got up there :/
anyway, was okay and aaarh, actually i forgot what we rly did alr ._.
s-t-m O: anw, got to know heaps of new friends :]
our group was kinda funn to me
people there all very entertaining lehh :DD

Daytwo was super fun :D ♥
although i did throw my own face a couple of times ._.
Urghh~ Lol, did p.t; was tiring :/
damnn, shouldn't had went shopping on Saturday before camp lurhhs -.-
end up legg cmi aaagainn ): anw, still managed to pull through,
cos wasnt as serious as the previous camp ^^
did IRC [Intermediate Rope Challenge]
or smthh, dont rly know what it stands for;
only knowing that it has got to do with rope :X

Erhh, omgg~ that rope thingy was freakingg high -.-
actually not rly that highh, about a couple of metres :S
and i'm erhh, afraiddd of heights -.- yes, i am ._.
i was the 3rdd last one to get up there,
we can opt to not try..kindaa scary, actually veryy :/
okayy, so i went up, my legs started to tremble -.-

I was seriously scareddd lor,
think i'm about to hyperventilate alr -.-
anw, yea, the first obstacle was to cross this erm,
pathetically thin metal or smthh wire ._.
and with the aid of a metal pole, kinda like those acrobats doing stunts thing

My legs seriously shaking badlyyy :/
haaa, then when i'm done, was like like, omgg~ still got somemoree~ :@
urghh~ Lol, i asked if i can get down/back out -.-
Lol, then obviously no ><
idk for what, there's this place where i can rest,
then i started clinging to the pole beside ._.
in other words, hugging to the darn wooden polee~
damnn throw face can, Lol

thenn 2nd one was this ladder thing;
3rd was the logg :/ and we've to cross it without supporting anything :l
last was a mini-flying-fox :D
the last part was the worst,
for a moment, i thought i was gonna fall -.-
cos i was sososo nervous that my palms started to sweat ._.
scared fall off~ but still at the end sucessfully complete-d the IRC~ ♥

Next activity was the jetty-jump ._.
we've to get onto this wooden plank to jump marhhs,
then idk, i went up there,
want to jump but then back-out,
then keep on want jump dont want jump like that,
but then hor, i'm the first female to jump off leh,
at the endd, somehow, still had the sudden courage from idk where to jump.
Lol, turned up to be quite fun lehh :DD
wanted to do agaaain, but due to time constrainnnn ^^

There's still the tunnel, shelter building and fire starting;
tho we didn't have fire starting due to the weather :X
but thenn tunnel was cool, we've to duck-walk through,
and ended up in so call-ed "balloons", which we;ve to find our way out.

Campfireeee was uber fun~♥
:D haa, but like too short?
idkk, but our group performance also anyhow one,
like last minute de, but still okayy  :D
t-h-a-i-l-a-n-d rocks~ :D ♥

Day2 was a long and tiring one :/
haa, slept very soundly through the night :)
Ohhhyes, and to mention, the stars in pulau ubin's very niceeee :D
esp during pt :D i think that last star up there's the northhh star ♥

Last day; Dayy3
last dayy, finally :D
was kindaa okay, did area clean-ing,
instructors toilet was ewww :/
3 huge roaches in the toilet -.- at the end we got the guys to catch them,
thenn when they caught them, they show-ed it to ma'am,
Lol, you should had seen her reaction,funnyyy

The girls also did some exchanging of msn and numbers :D
haa, we promised to meet up someday for lunchh :]
but sounds kinda fun plus exciting ^^
over all was quite okay, realised that i typed quite a lot ehh ._.
fingers are kinda aching :/

think i shall end here alr,
back's aching :/
i gotta go get some sleep :D

These three days,
i miss-ed you heaps ):
idkk why, but images kept of coming in,
moments we spent kept on flooding my minddd :/
Urghhh~truck- loads of misses (:
Perhaps we shall go out sometime this week

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