Monday, May 25, 2009

Misses :(

流星花园is rly rly double thumbs-up :D

Sighh, i got me to realise what sacrifice is and what it means :/just realised that its another 3 more days :Sidk how to face up to it; but i know I've to,not replying to your text,just simply proved that I've got no guts guts to reply; no guts to face you yet.

Hah, enough talk about it D:
btw, the boys over flowers show is rly nice.
i teared once again -.-
idk lehh, very the random plus sudden,
just eye went hot,
i got control hor, but it just came out -.-
ep 19 :D ahha :D

Feeling uberly tired :/
today's training was kinda killer.
shoot and shoot [(3x8)x2]
woahh, that's like 48shots of dry run,
which is repeated like 3 times X:
sum-ing up to, 100+ shots DD:
woahh, heng my fingers nvr drop out -.-
Lol, seriously very pain lehh o.o
haa, sir said endureeeeeee ><
Lol, competitions are coming soon :/
kinda nervous ):

bus-ed back with cairong;
believe it or not,
she's SUPER crappy -.-
Omgg~ rly made me go urghhh~
Lol, nonsense leyy she, haa ^^

think i falling sick alr -.-
feeling kinda hot now ehh,
either the weather, or am rly sick ._.

ohhyes, today weather hot like .... -.-
omg lehh, i think arh,
this is global warming -.- i sweat whole day;
like some people coming out from the amazon like that ><
crappyy-ayee weather, tskkktskkk :/

fingers typing uber slow now,
hope it'll be better tmr :D

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