Monday, May 18, 2009

:D *Insert title here*

Everytime i see you,
my heart will skip a beat :/

Today was fun :DD
half a daaaay out, special thanks to the 6 of you ^^
Rly made my day :D

met komi at jp for lunch,
then went for lunch; saw zhengwei they all at ljs,
Lol, and also komi's "best-friend" ._. very qiao lehh, Lol.

I was like a bit latee :X
actually not a bit, is quite alot -.-
Blame it on the bus :DD
It rained cats,dogs and mices ><

After lunch;we went walking around jp ;D
wanting komi to try out the electrocuting toy,
but she didnt fall for it -.- i wanted to see her reaction hahha

Ohhyes, while we're on our way to some other shops,
there's this drunk Bangladeshi man walking towards us
he swayed as he walked, then came up and said,
"you f-ing ba*tard~"
plus a long chain of other vulgarities o.o
then me and komi went stunned,
he walked past alr, after that we started roaring into laughter
LOL, god knows, he's sooo drunk ._.

went over to frontier, library to meet up with the rest.
after all, we went out to do c.m.e project, Lol :]
whilst at the traffic light outside the library,
faustina called, then me and komi were like,
ehh, we both still at jp lehh (although we were alr somewhere outside the lib.)
faustina went, huh, really ar?
then i said, yahh, we buying movie tickets to watch movies alr ._.
she then went in shock, Lol, i continued saying, moreover,
me and komi only gng there for 20mins, then we leaving alr,
she went into greater shock and started telling the rest over the phone.
komi and i started laughing heaps, Lol

Reached the lib. the whole group of 5 waiting there.
Lol, started with the project. Didn't rly know what to do at first but settled down.
then there's this librarian,who acted more like a barbarian
she came up to us, we weren't rly making noise ._.
then said, no glue, pen-knife,scissors etc

every minute, she come spot check on us T.T
actually not every minute, just every now and then -.-
so irritating, i swear -.- she came up to us like 7-8 times
she said, get out of the library and we nvr even made any noise,
just because she saw glue/scissors laying on the table.

therefore, she's irritating :/
even before we left, we all wanted to go to the reception and complain about her,
but that was like 6+ alr ._.nonsense lehh she.
one thing; the library is rly cold :/

window shopping around jp again after doing :D
once again, thanks for today :]
loads and truckloads of loves ^^

okay laa, off to watch boys over flowers alr :DD
youtube-ing it :D
since channel U only shows it once a week -.-

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