Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I think i saw hydra yesterday night ._.
idkk, was doing my homeworks, then i looked out of the window,
i saw this pattern in the sky,
it's like a couple of stars joined tgt in a straight line,
except for the fact that it is rather bent-ed :O
till today as i was curious, i flipped through the constellations book ^^
ohh well, at least the only book i had, which only vaguely shows pictures ><

Oh, another thinggg, sirius

its the brightest star in the starry night sky :D
guess it'll never happen ):
sighhh, it happens only once in like 12345678 light years =/
it'd be niceeee to be sitting under the starry sky to watch it shine,
moreover, it only lasts for like...not very long ._.
its a string of stars, consisting of big dipper D:
ohh yes, there're no more constellations appearing this april alr ._.
bbbbut, maaaaay :D

15th may, anusia's birthday 
and 25th may, vigro's appearing too,
actually there's also heaps of other constellations appearing ><
mhmm...but Virgo's one of the largest constellations ^^

Starting to realise that i'm starting to blog loads about stars (:
nvm, i shall still get back to traaaaack ^^
much loads and heaps of tests coming up,
Social studies, mother tongue, physics..etc X:

Henngg~ today no hw :D
so got time blog :D double plus, there's no test tmr :]

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