Sunday, April 19, 2009


Urghh~ tuition daaayy OO:
ever since like 8am. till 6pm  X:
there's rest in betweeenn tho ;D
hennng my fever subsided -.-
if not i'd be having a horrible time at the centre -.-

Lol, thanks for accompanying to tuition centre today ^^
been very sweet (:

Gahh, couple of test coming up :/
physics, social studies, amaths and chinese :S
Crapp, bet there'll be more coming up -.-
Mid years are round the corners ):

hopefully, my results are presentable to parents,
otherwise, i'ma just die during the june holidays =.=

Urghhh~ i'm not gonna study 24/7
omgomg, i need a lifeeeeeeeeeee )):

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