Friday, March 6, 2009


Sir johann,
thanks for being such a great sir.
You've taught us alot,
including bondings,endurance,skills,knowledge etc..
You're indeed a great CI. Hope that you'll come back often and also;
lucks in whatever you do out there!

Today, super throw-face -.-
did a speech in front of the class,
then i was super nervous,
stuttered when i spoke,
haha, little expression,
but made the class laugh of idk what reason -.-
ms lin asked me to louder, i louder they laugh =='
she ask me to go slower, i slower, they laugh T.T
when i look up give that blur face, they also laugh -.-
haha, think this time serious throw face alr la ><

POP for sir johann,
was alrighty,
cake and presents :D
the song was touching,
i was touched, ohh well,
i nearly teared, but didnt.
afterall, it is 3years,
there's a sir-cadet bond.
then took loads of pics.
ltr then take from sir jeff :]

Focused test sucked. :(
nvm, shall try again next round then :D

Sometimes i don't understand what's on your mind;
a while you're nice and all and another while you're cold.
it is uber confusing;
why are guys always so self centered?
always think of themselves before others?
Often so insensitive? ._.
If I had a chance, most likely,
I would like to start it all over again.
It isn't possible is it? D:
why can't you just let go?

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