Monday, March 9, 2009

328th post :D


Today was a long and tiring day =/

amaths taxed me out completely ._.
speech day rehearsal wasn't that tiring.
BUT, they rescheduled the date,
from thurs to weds ._.

then i went like..ehhh, how am i gng to explain to ms ho?
Lol. ltr she's just gonna mince me alive -.-
she'll be going like...amaths is more impt etc ><
Geez, gotta break the rescheduled news to her =/
she's gonna kill anw :(

todayyy, super tiring,
now studying for test(s) tmr :[
truckloads of test(s)
tsk tsk, all teachers like to put their tests on tues urh :O
think they plan alr, then come tekan us one lorh D:

Haha, studying for Chinese tmr :/
no time to blog long long alr,
gotta get offline alr ._.

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