Monday, February 16, 2009

._. Urghhh D:

Sigh, havent been posting for quite a while.
was thinking to delete/stop blogging for a while.
idk where i got this idea from, but it does make sense rightttt

this week nearly whole week test :O
monday; supposed t have bio retest ]=
tuesday; Physics and emaths
wed; amaths. I forgot if it's wed or thurs,
then friday focus test on chem & phy. ._.
i think ima just die halfway thru the tests -.-

today was okokkk laaa.. 
see, i'm still good okaay,
haha, i completed my work in time,
i'm one out of the five i think, out of the forty people.

anyway, i was slacking during bio, =/
eng, was fun, ms lin crapped loads with us ^^
bio lessons sucks today =/
i did'didn't even concentrate,
as in perhaps my enzymes aren't working, ROFL
i understood, but couldn't absorb =[

nvm, just watched css,
saw our former np teacher, mrs tan
omg, she was speaking there,
idk, anyway, hope she comes back soon-ish.

anusia didnt come today,
hope you get well soon,
today i seriously missed you,
missing you in amaths
missing you in remedial,
missing your laughing
missing your crapping
and missing you not in class ]]]]]=
hope to seeyou tml :D

tmr's going to be another long day =/
hopefully a good one too.


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