Friday, February 27, 2009


Urghh tired =/

Down with cough and flu,
took medicine and now, double drowsiness :O
think ima just lose my voice soon-ish :/
today promotion test results,
was okay, didnt really get affected that much,
perhaps i know that i didnt put in enough effort =/
no high hopes ._.

For those who were not too happy cos they nvr get promoted;
cheer up ♥
there's still many other chances out there; work harder!

Congrats Diana for getting SI ♥
that;s like OMG haha, ma'am :D

Results results =/
all are back, perhaps expectations too high?

Urghh, maths focused test coming =/
so soon -.- one after another ]=

i want to be in e2,
but i don't want to study D:
is that even possible?

Mhmm, nothing much actually,
today is just so unlucky =/
it's like, first was nearly late for sch, damn :(
i rushed like...,then realized i forgot to buy my dear fruit.
went there, long queue :O
actually planned to put my np uniform in class one laa.
but then, no time =/ 

Then was chem,
the hahah the sulphur smell :/
coughed the most o.O
then P.E ran till legs numb ._. urghh~

today wasnt really an awesome day.
speech day rehersal on monday :(
i don't like,but since selected, might as well give it a shot
nothing can be done to change the fact that i'm in ._.
Urghh,~~ ima try (:

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