Thursday, January 8, 2009


Oi ; it is an amazing thing;
every time i try to forget you; i can't.
Yet; it keeps on coming back =/
the harder i try to forget,
the more it comes back.

okay, too long never blog ald :/
am super super busy and worked my ass off myself =/
i'm like shittt now D:
ever since dearest monday till today;
never a day i'I've lesser/no hw -.-
*&%$#@! D:

haha, anyone who can find me a stress-free life, will be handsomely rewarded lol.
hahah, mhmm, serious laa, super tired.
my schedule daily now is like, come back, bathe, dinner, hw, sleep -.-
this is so lifeless okaaay :O

Sigh, science bio spa is killing me D:
and amaaaths too :(
BUT; ms ho f.m is SUPER niceeee can >< with much patience :D
haha, didnt know some qns and went to ask her,
she was smiling and explaining o.O ROFL :] she's cuteee can

mhmm, miss lin is also nice/funny :D haha;
she's super sensitive to GREEN POLKA DOTS O_o ROFL,
she says those looks like some sick frog; reason behind,
she was from some green polka dots school :S hahah,
we were deciding on the class notice board today;
Learn, Laugh and Live it :D if i didn't get them wrong :)

next next =] mhmm =/ nothing much =/
today's physics was boring D:
nearly died from boredom :@

School's awesome and sometimes i really wonder; i go to school to just study;?
or also partially because of friends? haha, weird:]
ohh okay ald laa, gotta get on to my pile of homework =p
see, the hardworking side of me -.-


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