Monday, December 15, 2008

Sh*t, i'm damn tired =/

Idk why, but i know i'm tired =/
i'm finally baaaack from holidays
Ohh well, am back earlier as i fell sick
went to 4D/3N aus && 3D/2N =/
could had stayed longer at malaysia,
but i kena food-poisoning -.-
i was up at genting already =//
then stomach-ache/vomitting etc D:
the weather was good D: no fog no rain -.-
anyway, i didnt get to play okay :(

then aus, melbourne/queensland in short for brisbane,
as usual, visting =/ was moody idk why
perhaps it's the cause of..urghh, nvm :D
ohh okay, it is hot like ass there,almost hitting 30 deg cel.
or somewhere there D: hotter than singapore somehow D:

okaaaaay, also did stop by KL for some shopping.
nothing much =/ the twin tower seems high,
no time go up there also ._.
Haha; went to the mall at KL, watched twilight
omg nice movie =] ohh well, actually, not that nice ;]
at least i caught it before it screened here

Edward cullen VS. Jacob black :p
Idk, LOL, heard this person say "omg, edward is stunning hot"
as in the movie lighting effects somehow seems good

Okaaaaay~ watch-ed Bolt too, in the 3D version =]
it was cool okay, 3D stuff are awesome =D
Ehh, a little touchy i guess =] it is like, ehh the last part.
&& the part when the bolt parted with rhino & mittens :D

Squad outing to Sentosa today;
actually ystd night i was like,
tmr can wake up then go,
but today slept till 11am =/
so yeeeaa, other time perhaps =]
hope those guys enjoyed themselves ^__^

School's reopening uberly soon D:
sigh- starting of the sch hols will be like, huh, still got so long way,
now lehh, like ehh, so soon sch want reopen liaaaao ar.

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