Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Re-cap xD

Thanks for the graphic xD

Sorry, wasnt posting for the past days =/

had been sleeping from 10pm-2pm -.-
for 2 days ><>
perhaps is the cause of lack of sleep =X
raaaaaaawr ^_^ yuppers, so decided not to slack today =D

Hmm, elaborate post today :]
WARNING:// This Might be a LONG post. x]

mmmk..Gonna post about HK trip =D

the first day :] 17/11/08
we gathered at school at 6.15am :O early =/
then proceeded to the airport =DD
and for a while the up to the airplane [cathay pacific]
was okay, not really better than SIA, but ohh well =D
Supeeer tired, air turbulence in plane,
ohh, and sat beside kohchuqian;
she went high like so many times =/
and made me go high tgt with her.
esp when the plane took off, and we watched gags tgt ^^
We then went to victoria peak; super chilly up there~!
Brrr, cold D: took heaps of pics with group[s]. ><
Went baaack to hotel room, OMG~ small :S
Rashidah lost the key :O worried until like siao,
at last found it at her pouch D: Hahah xD
Did'nt really slept well, woke up nearly every hour =//

Day 2 :D 18/11/08
Woke up early ^_^ at 5plus 6am :O
Cannot sleep marhhs =X
anyway, we went to the Golden Flower and the airport police force;
saw the K-9s there, cuteee ><
nothing much, the night time go walk the
ladies night market, first night did'nt really buy anything much,
faaaaar too tired to really shop D:
Lips cracked and swelled ):

Day3 =] 19/11/08
Was sleeping quite well,
as in didnt wake up for the whole night ;)
haha, we went to the abedeen, repluse bay and ehh somewhere
else, i forgot =='' also a secondary school there where we had a
friendly basketball match; ohh well, it wasnt really FRIENDLY -.-
Heaps of pushing/shoving D: and we lost.
Duh, they're basketball players and we're NPCC, moreover the
guys from PRCSS didnt pass the ball
 to our sch peeps =/
anyway, it's a good game lurhhs ^_^
it was freaaaaaaaaaaking cold -.-
we didnt bring our jackets/sweaters down;
we thought there's sun, so no need them,
end up, cold like D: raaaaaaaaaaawr ._. hmpf xD
Ladies market at night again :DD
Bought some stuffs ^^

Day 4 ^^ 20/11/08
super cool xD LOLOL, okay, took a lot of pics with the characters.
Group3; chuqian,charmaine,izzudin,shirui,weiting,shah :D
idk if i got all your names right ;p
anyway, yeap, fun :D
space mountain was fun, we took it twice :]
something like an inner roller coaster ^_^
haha; whole daaaaay, super tired xD
Slept VERY well that night x]

Day 5 :O 21/11/08
Home sweeeeeeet home (;
Whole time on board, we were doing reflection =/
the trip was uber fun :D
loads of love ehhh, LOLOL

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