Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gahhh, Exams are seriously so near -.-

Pfftt, exams are just like sososo near -.-
i'm not really prepared :X
okay lar, not really, but still not confident yet :o

it was seriously, omg,
anw ystd, was super fun okay,
i stayed back in school till like 5pm :D
haha, was fun okay, we crapped heaps,
hah, sad enough gayathri had to go early at 3pm :/
anyway, we were supposed to like group study -.-

and we went to lib at first the sch. one,
then upper secs were there tho, idk with their teacher,
then she asked us why we were here lor
we told them we were doing group study -.-
anusia was also another one,
haha,she's super sweet can :)

Did upper sec notes ._, for the sake of dearest
exams here already, still fall sick ):

See, touched right? Went to the library to borrow books and hand-write summary for you
sadly, only physics -.- anyway, I also don't understand those stuff I wrote hahaha
Hope you appreciate it okay!

You're down with flu plus fever,
get well soon can, your exams are here already :(
Drink more water, rest well :D
Passed you the notes, read them and cherish my efforts okay!
the notes are super long and I spent like a few days writing them so after exams must still keep :D

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