Friday, August 1, 2008

Lots of pictures today =DD

hahhs, today was funnnnnnnn :D
BUT, tiring -.-
as usual larh, head-ache -.-
lack of sleep barrhs =]
today, mother-tongue,♥
urrrgh, was feeling so sleepy :o
yea, and was like only half awake o.O
and then hahas, got spelling,
do the compo also, haha =D
lazzzzzzzy o_O

then english,
had test,
comprehension, something about errr,
mosquitoes :s
hahhas, i'm already like,♥
mmmk, the mozzie's enemy,
still ask me to read/do/ etc on them -.-
anyway, completed it, slept like idk what lo
sighs, idk, hope can do well barrrrhs ^.^

then literature,
was omg omg fun/funny >.<
went to the library,
to watch the movie,♥
i'm not stupid too =D
was hilarious okays,
hahahs, laugh-ed like someone who just
like, errr, escaped from I.M.H (Institute of Mental Health)
-.-, okay neverminds ehhh,

was fun but boring yea,
hahahs, idk why,
but still okay la,
ms tan didnt nag today,
amazing T.T♥

after school,
in the toilet,
she scared me okeh,
i was like ouuuhh,
screaming like idk what,
and seriously,
for the first time, a real sharp,
high pitch-ed scream, woah eh,♥
i was shocked plus scared leh...

npcc :x
so soon NP le =]
anyways, was okay,
drills, as usual, hmmm,
was hot okays,
the humid weather -.-
luckily i did not collaspe yea,
and then till this time when we all sat down to "talk"
giving suggestions etc, then suddenly was like
talking about wanting,wudan or suriati, idk who la,
forgot le, then after that sir called meh :O
i was like me?!?♥
he stared at me, asking me what i've changed in this,
err, one and a half year,
then i was like idk what to say,
cos nothing really, then i anyhow go say, attitude

hahahs, then he said,
another thing, i was stun-ned okay,
went blur ald =.=♥
and the somewhat KCQ go say,
crapping alot -.-
and komi,sowmiya and some other people agreed :s
i was like, you arrr, crap sey :DD
hahhs, you also vv crappy marrh, crab >.<
made me so paiseh only lurrrrrhs :x
hahhs, idk la, then was like okay,
sir said the M.C thingy,♥
woah, didnt realise that i'm actually not taking as
much M.Cs as before le,
he was like, before that was a pile o.O
possible marrrrhs? idk lorhs =DDD
hahas, they were laughing, applauding etc la

parade, ending,
we salute-d,♥
but sir said no need,
ended up some others still saluted leh,
then ended up pump-ings lo,
but okay la, our fault?
knee the skin like came off :s
pain la, anyways,
nothing else, ending
oohh, btw i♥Secondhand Serenade


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