Tuesday, July 29, 2008

sighs..tired o.O

i miss-ed that sentosa trip♥okeh -.-
stupid tuition,
okay ystd was so abcdef busy that i forgot to blog,
yea, cos ehh, had NDP rehearsal :O
hahhas, until like 7plus then reached home,
was freeeaking tired ald =/

yea, hahas, idk what to type also,
like so tired today also,
not enough sleep? O.o idk
just that i was browsing thru blogs,
found this sentosa pic at e2 blog,♥
took it down, hahas, this pic ish coolios okeh =DD
hhahs, nothing else really,
mmmmk, idk what to type,
went super uberly high in class today =)
e2's cheer for the NDP was superb OKAYs ^.^
jiayous, e2 all the way worrrhs =]♥♥

okay and also, maths test today,
hope i dont, errr, flunk it -.-
yea, it is not hard, neither easy =/
sighs, was like tired but hyper,
so went crank-ed up eh,
came back supeeeeer early,
straight after school =D♥
i guai barrhs? anw, T.T cos i'm rushing for the comp.
ROFL, excuses from meh :X

nothing else,
ending ald,

omg omg omg omg,
i hid my telephone number in this blog,
ROFL, somewhere, just found it nice =DD
HAHAs ^.^ find it peeps,
ring me up :DDD
i'm like so uberly boreeeeed now :x

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